Summary of Dependent Clauses

Finite Dependent Clauses

Finite dependent clauses have a clause marker such as a subordinating conjunction, relative pronoun, or interrogative word and an indicative or subjunctive verb.

modifies a noun
modifies a verb, adjective, adverb, or higher clause
functions in the sentence like a noun
noun clauses normally have a role in the core, e.g., subject, direct object, subject complement, or are in apposition to a noun or pronoun
relative clause (qui)causal (quod indic/quia indic/quoniam indic/cum subj)relative noun clause (qui/quicumque)
relative clause of purpose (qui)circumstance (cum)  [subjunctive]indirect command (ut/ne) [subjunctive]
relative clause of characteristic (qui)comparison (quam/ut) [verb often gapped]indirect question (interrogative) [subjunctive]
concession (etsi/quamquam indic/cum subj)clause of fearing (ne/ut) [subjunctive]
conditional (si/nisi/etsi/sin)noun result (ut) [subjunctive]
locative/place (ubi/quo)relative noun clause of purpose (qui)
purpose (ut/ne)  [subjunctive]relative noun clause of characteristic (qui)
result (ut) [subjunctive]
temporal/time (cum/dum/postquam/ubi/ut
proviso (dum/dummodo) [subjunctive]

Non-Finite Dependent Clauses

Non-finite dependent clauses have no clause marker and an infinitive or participle as a verb.

modifies a noun
modifies a verb, adjective, adverb, or higher clause
functions in the sentence like a noun
noun clauses normally have a role in the core, e.g., subject, direct object, subject complement, or are in apposition to a noun or pronoun
participal clause (pple V)ablative absolute (pple V)infinitive as noun ({acc S} + infin V)
non-finite indirect command/objective infinitive (acc S +infin V)
indirect statement (acc S + infin V)