Coordinating Conjunctions

Basic Coordinating Conjunctions

atque (ac) and
et and
neque (nec) and…not
-que and
sed but
-ve (sive) or
vel or

A comma has a number of functions; not all of them are connector-functions:

  • Connects individual words which are syntactic equivalents
  • Connects clauses at the same level
  • Marks a transition from main to dependent clause or vice versa (not connector)
  • Sets off an apposition (not connector)

Paired Coordinating Conjunctions

aut…aut either…or…
cum….tum both…and…
et….et both…and…
modo… modo now…now…
neque (nec)…neque (nec) neither…nor…
non modo….sed etiam/verum not only…but also…
non solum …sed etiam not only…but also…
sive (seu)…sive (seu) whether…or…
vel…vel either…or…